Problem Solving

A few years back I began indoor rock climbing. Learning how to boulder and belay was a new form of exercise that challenged my strength, endurance, mobility and problem solving skills. After several months since being in the gym, I returned this weekend; this morning my hands are feeling raw while my feet are happy to be out of the snug fitting shoes. I spent time getting reacquainted with the sport and forgot how much I enjoy the challenge of scaling walls. There were a few routes I kept repeating as a way to build up skills and calluses I had lost.

Mapping out a route up a wall is called problem solving, bouldering is climbing up (typically) a 12-18 foot wall with no rope and belaying is climbing a wall with ropes. When spending multiple days or weeks on a specific problem, that is called a project. I spent most of the weekend working on a bouldering project and an auto belay project, attempting various ways up the same problem. There were missed holds, feet coming off the wall, drops from half way up. In between attempts, I would catch my breath, re-chalk my hands, and imagine hand/foot holds. And then finally, I found my way to the top. The next step, try to be less chunky with movements. My upper body has always been significantly stronger than my lower body. Unfortunately, I try to overpower movements with my arms and need to begin relying more on the mobility and strength of my legs. Hopefully that will come with time.

One way I like to build my endurance to climb a route multiple times in a row while on the auto belay. Doing this builds my cardio, mobility and strength. It also forces me to trust the gear so I can scale significantly higher than bouldering. Many people prefer to belay with a partner. Auto belay is a great alternative to belaying with a partner and offers many great benefits:

  • Warm Up- A proper warm-up is essential to prevent injuries and make sure that you are loose and ready to send your project. Auto belays allow you and your partner to warm up simultaneously.

  • Learning Skills- Allows one to practice essential skills such as how to move hands and feet together, finger holds, and climbing more efficiently similar to skills in belaying and lead climbing, while the climber is still fully protected.

  • Doing More Laps- Getting a better workout in a shorter time span and not having a partner allows more time on the wall.

There are many great indoor rock climbing gyms. Below are a few-

Greater Boston Area-

Washington DC Area-

Madison area-

Happy problem solving.

be well-


It is the Most ___ time of the Year!


Rock the Ribbon